Formations Sans Frontières – International Health Care Education (FSF-IHCE) an international non profit was founded in 2004 and has its headquarters in Lyon.
The Association Act of 1901 – The previous regional office of the Rhône-Alpes region was officially acknowledged by the World Health Organization (OMS / WHO) in 2005.
Through actual activities and successes, it has therefore become a non-governmental organization (IONG) recognized not only in Europe, but also globally.
FSF-IHCE also has sub-representative offices in Europe, Asia, and Africa, which are in the process of being developed.
With an estimated population of over 120 million, the country is the eleventh most populous and the most populous Spanish-speaking state in the world while being the second most populous nation in Latin America. Mexico is a federation comprising 31 states and a special federal entity that is also its capital and most populous city. Other metropolises include Guadalajara, León, Monterrey, Puebla, Toluca, and Tijuana.
The country has the highest rate of homicides, corruption penetrates every level of government, freedom of speech is constantly threatened, human development is falling behind, and 52 percent of the population lives in poverty.
FSF-IHCE Mexico aims to meet the needs for training and education in the fields of education for children, health care, and security that meets internationally recognized standards, as well as expertise and training for the construction of a migrant center in Tamaulipas (at first step ) with adequate sleeping, medical, and psychological care, educational, and recreational space.
Women, single women with children, single-parent households, minors, minors with guardians, individuals with chronic degenerative diseases, and those with pending asylum petitions are among the most vulnerable populations targeted by our initiatives.
To provide expertise in Wood Construction of the first decent comprehensive Care Center for migrants in the Mexican North Border and provide training and education in the fields of Health, Education for Children and Security for Victims of Violence and people on the move in Mexico.